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Turbocharger Turbine Modelling using A Bond Graph Approach: The first Journal Paper #1

The first journal paper of my academic life,
this is the starting point. The first paper published by Energy (Q1, IF 4.9) indexed by ISI and Scopus. 

This paper proposed about a modelling method for a specific case of Turbine control in a variable geometry tubocharger (VGT) inspired by Bond Graph approach. 

The submission process had spent about 9 months in total from the submission process to the acceptance decisions. The paper was written about 4 months in total and rejected by some Q1 and Q2 journals. After the rejection, I have tried to improve the quality and, then, submitted again to a better journal.

Let's not give up after a reject decision given to us by editor. Improve your paper and try to submit it again.

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Setelah berjuang selama tidak kurang 4 bulan lamanya dan menunggu hasil review yang hampir setahun lamanya. Alhamdulillah terbitlah paper pertama yang diindex oleh ISI di tahun 2017 oleh Energy (Q1, IF 4.9).

Paper ini mengajukan suatu persamaan untuk mendeskripsikan relasi antara energi hidrolik dengan mekanikal rotasi di sebuah turbin di suatu turbocharger. Ide ini terinspirasi dari suatu metode pemodelan yang dikenal dengan nama Bond graph. Paper ini berhasil meraih penghargaan sebagai paper terbaik di SAE Malaysia di tahun 2018.

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The flow input of a variable geometry turbocharger turbine is highly unsteady due to rapid and periodic pressure dynamics in engine combustion chambers. Several VGT control methods have been developed to recover more energy from the highly pulsating exhaust gas flow. To develop a control system for the highly pulsating flow condition, an accurate and valid unsteady model is required. This study focuses on the derivation of governing the unsteady control-oriented model (COM) for a turbine of an actively controlled turbocharger (ACT). The COM has the capability to predict the turbocharger behaviour regarding the instantaneous turbine actual and isentropic powers in different effective throat areas. The COM is a modified version of a conventional mean value model (MVM) with an additional feature to calculate the turbine angular velocity and torque for determining the actual power. The simulation results were further compared with experimental data in two general scenarios. The first scenario was simulations on fixed geometry positions. The second simulation scenario considered the nozzle movement after receiving a signal from the controller in different cases. The comparison between simulation and experimental results showed similarities in the recovered power behaviours the turbine inlet area increases or vice versa. The model also has proved its reliability to replicate general behaviour as in the example of ACT cases presented in this paper. However, the model is incapable to replicate the detailed and complicated phenomena, such as choking effect and hysteresis effect.


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